Radical Education Workbook

Enviado por aarquivista, qui, 2012-11-01 18:22

Londres, UK

Publicação em tamanho original A3 editada pelo Radical Education Forum.




Who Made the Workbook?

The Workbook was initiated by the Radical
Education Forum with members of the sound art
and political collective Ultra-red. It received a small
amount of funding for printing from the Drawing
Room as part of the exhibition, Best Laid Plans
curated by Cylena Simonds in 2010. It was designed by
Jackson Lam and printed at Hato Press. Contributors
to the book include:
56a Infoshop, Alice Robson, Anna Wolmuth, Ashley
L. Whitfield, Chris Jones, Colin Waugh, Dont Rhine,
Feminist Fightback,  Free University of Liverpool,
Greggory Vass, Janna Graham, Jorge Goia, Laura
Rogers, London Coalition Against Poverty, Michael
Harding, Nelly Alfandari, Onni, Val Archer, Victoria
Harris, Ultra-Red, the X-Talk project, and all those
involved in the Radical Education Forum.


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