Taggers get into 'living contact' with vacant São Paulo Bienal

Enviado por aarquivista, ter, 2013-05-21 07:15

Ligia Nobre

São Paulo


In the public 'square' on the ground floor of Oscar Niemeyer's Ciccillo Matarazzo pavilion last week, electroclash band Fischerspooner played a gig to kick off the 28th São Paulo Bienal – the anti-biennial. Curator Ivo Mesquita, together with adjunct-curator Ana Paula Cohen, decided to offer a vantage point on international biennial bloat by leaving the enormous second floor of the pavilion completely empty and artwork-free, and focusing instead on lectures, performances, panel discussions and the presentation of archives – and a few artworks – on the third floor as the core of the exhibition.

But as the artworld crowd waited patiently for Fischerspooner, a more radical gesture towards the Bienal's title in living contact unfolded upstairs: around 40 people began tagging the vast empty spaces and white walls of the pavilion in a coordinated guerilla action. 'This is art', read some of the tags."




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